Monday 17 March 2014

project of Self Design concept

My idea

For my idea, i will be incorporating all three of the projects as one. i would like to portray myself as the nicknames my friends have given me over the years. The nicknames that i have been given by my friends are (and reasons): 

Poison Ivy 
( i once made a joke with a friend that if i fail as an artist i will become an ecoterrorist like poison ivy)
 (i was called that because of how long and wild my hair is)
 ( ive been told that when i'm angry, i argue like a krogan)
( this is an avatar i use in online gaming, she is a super bubbly pixie that is also annoying)
( another gaming avatar that very serious but also friendly, she is a elf)
 (In high school i was known for my knowledge in reptiles, i was part on the environmental committee)
(this is just my most common nickname and represent i think the trues me)

I want to illustrate how the people around us, actually influence the way we behave based on the nicknames and boxes they put us in. I think in a way it helps us evolve as a person and is an interesting form of self design where those around you design you, but at the same time it stunts our own individual attempts at self design.

my own little sketch

in the sketch you can kind of get an idea of what i want to do.

in the little blank blocks i want to add films made of photo stills, in each of the films i will be making myself look like the characters made in the nicknames i have been given. i will be using special effect make up. and above the films if possible i will make a little animation or painting on photoshop of all these variations of me.

for the make up i want the people who gave me the nicknames to help put the makeup on me.
i will use props and liquid latex and other mediums   

reference images

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